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Monday, June 30, 2014

Lebih Baik Ban Tubeless Atau Ban Biasa

Banyak pemilik sepeda motor belum paham dengan pemakaian ban tubeless. Beberapa pengendara motor masih banyak yang keliru menafsirkan, bahwa ban tubeless lebih baik. Padahal, baik atau tidak baiknya tergantung dari penggunaan motor tersebut. Tidak selamanya ban tubeless lebih bagus, jika pemakaiannya ‘ngawur’ malah bisa merugikan.

Ada beberapa hal yang direkomendasikan dalam memakai ban tubeless. Namun, pada dasarnya ban tubeless bukan tidak bisa bocor, melainkan ban tubeless tidak langsung kempes kalau terkena ‘ranjau’. Jika sudah kena, solusi terbaiknya adalah langsung dibawa ke tambal ban untuk diperbaiki. Berikut ini beberapa tips memilih, pakai ban tubeless atau tidak;

Ban tubeless lebih keras dibanding ban biasa, hal tersebut karena struktur karet lebih tebal dan padat. Jika Anda sering melewati jalan rusak atau tidak rata, lebih baik menggunakan ban biasa. Memaksakan pakai ban tubeless justru akan merusak pelek dan ban cepat rusak dalam jangka waktu pemakaian tertentu.
Ban tubeless cocok dipakai diperkotaan dengan kondisi jalan yang mulus. Untuk bermanuver atau menikung, ban ini lebih mengigir dan stabil pada kecepatan tinggi. Beda dengan ban biasa yang enak dipakai pada jalanan padat dan macet yang butuh selap-selip.
Ban tubeless hanya bisa dipasangkan untuk pelek racing, sedangkan pelek jari-jari hanya bisa untuk ban biasa. Meskipun kini sudah ada teknologi yang bisa memasang pelek jari-jari dengan ban tubeless bukan berarti pelek tersebut cocok, melainkan dipaksakan.
Lihat juga jenis sepeda motor.m bebek atau skutik lebih cocok menggunakan ban biasa, karena bobot ban tubeless akan jauh mengurangi performa. Beda dengan sepeda motor sport yang tenaganya sudah jauh lebih besar.
Pertimbangkan harga. jika ban tubeless tidak terlalu menjadi kebutuhan, lebih baik menggunakan ban biasa. Karena harga ban tubeless lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan ban biasa pada tipe/ukuran yang sama. Rata-rata perbedaan harga ban biasa dengan ban tubeless antara 30-50 persen.
Sekarang pilihan kembali pada Anda. Tidak ada salahnya mencoba ban tubeless, selain lebih tahan bocor, dan juga stabil pada kecepatan tinggi, namun umumnya ban tubeless lebih pendek umurnya karena menggunakan coumpond yang lebih lunak. Ban biasa pun juga oke, selain murah, awet dan lincah, namun pengendara harus lebih waspada ketika berkendara.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Enabling More than One Remote Desktop Session on Windows XP SP3

As you probably all know by now, Windows XP Professional allows you to only use one concurrent Remote Desktop session. The moment the remote user connects to the workstation by using Remote Desktop, the locally logged-on user is locked out of the computer, and the remote user, if he or she are using the same credentials as the user which is currently logged-on, see the same desktop as the current user saw right before he or she were locked out. If the remote user is using different credentials than the user which is currently logged-on, then they must be members of the administrators local group in order to log-off the current user, and create a new user session.

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All this is well and fine, but the problem is that sometimes one might want to have more than one concurrent Remote Desktop session.

Luckily for us, ever since the first days of Windows XP, there were people who managed to get around this limitation by editing a file on the XP machine, and making some registry changes. When Windows XP SP2 came out, the patched file got overwritten by the new version of the file, and so was the case in Windows XP SP3.

Now, there's a new version of the patched file available for you to use. Actually, this is not really a news item, it's just something I came across and decided to write about because I recently got some questions about this issue from a couple of readers.

However, be warned. Before you begin, I need to warn you that patching the file and allowing more than one concurrent Remote Desktop session will violate a few lines in the Windows XP EULA. Proceed with caution and at your own risk. I shall not be liable for any damage caused to you, your computer, your data or your dog/cat because of this.

First, download the patched file, registry file and instructions.

The patched file is termsrv.dll version 5.1.2600.5512 which was updated when installing Windows XP Sp3.

Download link:

(Ping me if link gets broken, I'll see if I can find a different working link)

Next, read and follow the simple the instructions.

Installation instructions (provided in the readme file):

1. Go to C:\Windows\system32\dllcache and rename the termsrv.dll to termsrv.dll.bak

2. Go to \Windows\System32 folder and rename termsrv.dll to termsrv.dll.bak.

3. Copy the new SP3 patched termsrv.dll to \Windows\System32 folder.

4. Run the included registry patch “ts_concurrent_session_patch.reg” (by double clicking it), it will update the relevant registry values which are relevant to the concurrent sessions support.

5. Restart windows.

6. Now try to connect with more than one Remote Desktop session.

Note: if you are currently using Terminal Services, you would have to start windows in safe mode before you can overwrite the termsrv.dll file.

Domain Users Note: If registry values are automatically removed very time you reboot the computer (domain environments), create a .bat file with below scripts and run it in the startup(copy to C:\Documents and Settings\\Start Menu\Programs\Startup).

@REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Terminal Server\Licensing Core" /v EnableConcurrentSessions /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f >nul
@REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v EnableConcurrentSessions /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f > nul
@REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v AllowMultipleTSSessions /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f > nul

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel and Confence Center

Tempat berlabuh Setelah bersemedi di The Alana Surabaya...

Karier Hospitality Saya :

  • Millennium Sirih Jakarta (December 2009- December 2011) - IT Officer
  • HARRIS Sentul City Bogor ( December 2011 - March 2013) - IT Manager
  • The Alana Surabaya ( March 2013 - April 2014) - IT Manager
  • Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel & Conference Center ( April 2014 - Present) - IT Manager

Harapannya supaya segera bisa kejenjang yang lebih tinggi dalam karier  dan bahagia dunia dan akherat.

Get a Standalone Google Chrome Installer

By default, accessing the Google Chrome’s download page, allows you to download a small file that downloads the other ones to install the application, so an internet connection is necessary to do that. But what if you have an installer that contains all the installation files?

This is the URL of the default download page, that shows up after clicking “Download Google Chrome” in this page:

What if we change it by simply adding a new parameter:

note that we added ?standalone=1 to the default URL.

The new URL allows you to download an offline Google Chrome installer ;)